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Forthcoming Walks

Here are our walks for the next few weeks. Click or tap on the Map button in any walk to see an Ordnance Survey map of the area, or choose the Satellite button for an aerial view. In each case, a marker (usually red) shows the meeting point for the walk.

The yellow matchstick figure at the bottom right of the Satellite view, when dragged on to the map, will highlight most roads in blue. Release the figure over any highlighted road, to show street level photography at that point.

Each walk in the table has a SatNav entry, which is normally a postcode, but you do have some options regarding the way SatNav entries are shown, and the coloured markers in the views produced by the Map or Satellite buttons.

You can explore these choices, and learn more about the SatNav entry, in the Settings page. Here, you can also choose the town from which Driving time and distance are shown, at the bottom of each walk, or you can hide this information altogether if it is of no interest.

How It All Works

The walks shown below are taken from a much larger collection of walks, containing as a minimum, all of the walks for our current walking season. Soon after the start of each new season, our Walks Co‑ordinators will begin beavering away at recruiting leaders for walk dates in the next season, and if any early birds are kind enough to offer, for the season after that.

As information comes in from walk leaders, the walks co‑ordinators add it to our database, steadily increasing the size of the forthcoming walks file as the season progresses. Our continual goal is that as the end of a season approaches, the database will include not only our walks for the season about to end, but also a full programme of walks for the next season, ready to be sent out to our members, and ready to use when creating the excerpt shown on this page.

Walks from the current walking season are also made available to our Past Walks Archive, so that once each walk has taken place, it can be shown on the Archive page. After a season has ended, all past walks are permanently moved to the Archive, and the forthcoming walks file will shrink back towards its minimum size.

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